Monday, July 12, 2010

All Boy!!

I am thinking this was a BB gun but might have been a 22 given to Greg one Christmas. To me it represents the "all boy" that Greg was. Visions of playing war with rubber band guns (I was always delegated to the enemy side), cowboys and indians (me, indian), with toy guns that were fed with a roll of popping tape to make them sound real. For those who have never heard of this, a paper tape that was filled with a little gun power and would pop when the toy gun was shot. Did I mention rubber band guns? ouch! Or, we would build a fortress and have clod fights with the neighboorhood kids. Now Greg and I were always on the same team for those!!
Greg was the dare devil, always challenging me to participate or try something he invented like a game of chase that involved jumping off the roof or hide 'n' seek involving the one counting to 100 to also be tied up first.
Whether it was building a skate board from a 2x4 and old roller skates, a go kart from scrap lumber or a snow fortress for the ultimate snow ball fight, Greg had the imagination that made every day an adventure, and childhood memories for a lifetime.

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