Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Earliest Chrismtas family picture

This is the earliest family photo I have, taken at my grandmothers house at Christmas time. I am guessing that we are about seven and four years old here. Christmas at my Grandparents Rumbaugh's house can only be described as controlled chaos. The house was full, the presents abundant and the tree huge with bubble lights that amazed us.
Christmas was a huge occasion at the Rumbaugh's. There literally were so many relatives, including great aunts and uncles, that presents filled the room. The kids always sat at the kitchen table leaving the dining room formality to the adults. The food, homemade and fabulous. Laughter, fun and memorable.
In contrast, Christmas at my other grandparents house was simpler but equally as memorable. On Christmas Eve Greg, myself and cousins Connie and Susan always went carolling in the neighboorhood and were invited in for cookies. Then Mom would play the very old upright piano and we would sing carols, my grandad adding his bass voice and Mom her beautiful soprano.
They had a small house but Greg and I loved going there. Metal Christmas tree in the window with the rotating color lights to made it change colors, ribbon candy always in the dish and music....lots of music.
What I've described sounds so Norman Rockwall, but it really was that way. We were so blessed to have all our relatives in one place so these kinds of holidays were possible. From the smaller home for the holidays memories of the McEntyre's to the more formal and huge occasion at the Rumbaugh's, Greg and I were given the background that gave us the desire to always create Christmas for our families that we had. What was missing was that simpler time when all the family lived in one place and everyone was together for the holidays. Where there were bubble lights, metal Christmas trees and ribbon candy. Oh and where you could send the kids out to go door to door carolling!!

1 comment:

  1. Love this post. We had a metal tree too...with the big rotating light and bubble lights on it! I've always love Christmas.
    This picture of you reminds me of Erin when she was little. This is such a precious picture...what a beautiful family.
