Thursday, April 22, 2010

This is Greg with our Granny McEntyre, he was the first grandchild and only grandson.
We only remember Granny and Granpappy living in one house. We knew every room, every drawer and every hiding place. It had a furnace in the floor of the hallway that we would stand on to get warm until the soles of our shoes would melt and an enormous old fashioned bath tub and a screen door with a wooden thread spool nailed at a height we could reach to go in and out.
Granny kept Eskimo pies in the freezer for the four of the grandkids and made rootbeer floats in brown barrel glasses with wooden handles. I still have one of the original glasses just to remember those floats!
It was a place we always felt loved, welcome and at home. From Granpappy's lava soap and whiskers which he would rub against our faces to make us squeel, to Granny's giving us the priviledge ( and yes it was a treat) of ironing hankies and pillow cases. To mud pies and jumping off the roof ( sorry we talked you into that cousin Suz....I think you broke something?), to Sunday lunches and watermelon in the backyard. It was like a novel you read today and say " that couldn't have really happened, no one grew up that way" .......we did.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Big bro, little sis

We were always Greg and Debbie, it just went together. We were together in almost every childhood experience. I learned alot from Greg like what to do as well as what not to do ! It was like he paved the road to make my growing up a little easier. I saw him get in trouble for things and I learned not to do that ! He also taught me to play war, shoot marbles, jump off the roof, walk the tile fence, build a fort, throw a snow ball, ride a bike, sled at lightening speeds and ultimately go off the jump at the end of the run. We snow skiied together, played baseball with the neighboor kids, climbed trees, waded in creeks, explored the forest, caught horny toads, explored caves, got in trouble and shared in rewards. A trip to Dairy Queen for being good in church or an afternoon stuck in our rooms for not coming home from one of our treks in the woods on time. It wasn't always good, there was alot of "he did it" or "she did it"....we both got in trouble anyway!! Partners in crime, teammates, playmates, friends,...............always little sis, big bro.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Belated Easter Post

Growing up this was our typical Easter. Dressed up in our best dress, always with an Easter bonnet and Greg looking dapper as well! The top left picture was taken at our Granparents McEntyre's house, seated are Susan, Greg, Connie, and Debbie ( me). The picture by the pool was taken in our Grandparents Rumbaugh's backyard. Left to right are Debbie, Greg, cousins Billie, Kathy, Steve and Brenda. The color picture was again taken at the McEntyres with Connie, baby Susan, Greg holding her and me.
Easter for us always started with us waking up to eggs hidden all over the house. These were the colored ones we left for the Easter bunny to hide and the old fashioned candy eggs and always a chocolate bunny in the basket. Then it was dressing up in our finery and heading to church. Afterwards we would change clothes and head to the grandparents for the traditional ham. We would hide and refind all our eggs at both grandparents but at the McEntyres Greg was the unofficial bunny and would hide them for us girls to look for over and over. It is a wonder any of them were fit to eat after that.
Alot of family, food, and good times !